Filling Between the Lines: Lip Filler at Ever/Body


A few months ago I shared on my Instagram Stories my journey to getting lip filler. And after so many messages asking questions and inquiring about my experience - everything from “how did you decide to do it” to “what did you ask for”, I knew there was too much to share in an Instagram post. It is important that I note that I partnered with Ever/Body for this treatment, however, I approached them knowing that they were who I trusted the most with this treatment and knew that it would be valuable to share with my community as much of this conversation is sadly still taboo. If you mention my name for your first services at Ever/Body you will receive a discount :)

My experience below is fully my experience — please keep in mind that I am not a medical professional and you should always consult your doctor with any medical-related questions and concerns!

First I think it’s really important to discuss how we got here. For as long as I can remember, my eye was always drawn to my top lip and the asymmetry that I noticed especially when on camera, in photos, and in the mirror. It wasn’t something that ever made me feel less-than, but rather something that I felt confident that if there was a viable solution to, that I would feel like a better version of myself. And that is important to me.

I think that a lot of our aesthetic needs these days start with seeing someone else and then deciding that we want what they have, which is toxic. But I also think that there is power in feeling your absolute best without the opinions of others weighed in. When I began looking into options, I only spoke to a select few people closest to me about it who I know wouldn’t insert their unsolicited opinions, because as well-intended as it is, someone telling me that “I don’t need it” doesn’t change my opinion, and truthfully it rarely ever will. This process reassured me that I was doing it solely for myself and no one else. And I think that is one of the most important steps when considering any aesthetic treatment.

The second biggest consideration is where you’re going to get it done. After looking into several doctors and places in New York, I came to the realization that they all charge approximately the same amount (about $700 per syringe depending on the type of filler), which made the decision easier knowing that I didn’t have to weigh cost as one of the factors. As I was looking into places, it was important to me to have my filler done at a legitimate place with a team that made me feel comfortable and supported in this journey, which I quickly found in Ever/Body. I had previously gotten facial treatments done at Ever/Body and was familiar with the environment and staff, knowing that what I wanted was of utmost importance to their team. My favorite part about Ever/Body is that from the second you walk in the door, the front desk staff makes you feel like a best friend and immediately at ease, which unfortunately is not a given in NYC aesthetics offices. Beyond that, I spent time talking with Stacy, the NP who did my filler, explaining exactly what I wanted and didn’t want, and the best options for addressing everything from the shape to my lips’ anatomy, to the type of filler that would achieve those results. While there is little risk in getting lip filler when you go to a professional practitioner, knowing that I was in the best care was constantly top of mind.

Those two points aside, I wanted to have a place to answer all of your questions and to reference my experience should you consider this today, tomorrow, or years from now. As always, if you have any additional questions about my experience, feel free to comment on this post or reach out to me via Instagram DMs and I will answer! For any treatment-specific questions or to schedule an appointment with Ever/Body, you can contact them via their website or via the @EverBody Instagram account.

What treatment did you get?

I got 1cc of Juvederm Ultra Plus lip filler, plus about 4 units of botox along my upper lip line (also known as a “lip flip”) to relax the muscles that often cause lips to curve inward, and enhance the results of the filler.

Did it hurt?

It did not hurt! I am a wimp when it comes to pain, especially around my face, and I felt no more than a few light pinches thanks to the topical numbing cream applied prior to the injections. Stacy was great in making sure that I felt numb before she started, and answered any questions while the numbing cream set in.

What did you ask for? How did you know what you wanted?

I think that it completely varies person to person on what you want, which is why it is so important to work with someone you trust and who is experienced to deliver those results. My top lip has always been significantly smaller than my lower lip, so I asked that the top lip feels as full as the bottom as my first priority. I also wanted more of a pouty, full look, and showed photos of general ideas of what I liked and what I didn’t like to give Stacy a clear idea. She then told me based on my lip shape and anatomy what she believed to be possible with the filler, and recommended Juvederm Ultra Plus for what I wanted. She also presented about 3 other filler options to me and we talked through each of them and the results I could expect, and we agreed on Juvederm based on my desired results.

What is the recovery time? what does it look like immediately after?

There is no “recovery” time - you can go back to work and do most things right away. I went to dinner with my family right after my appointment, and while it was harder to eat soup directly after having it done, I felt completely fine. That said, you may experience swelling and/or bruising for about 3-5 days after. My swelling was completely gone after one full week, and I hardly noticed any bruising. I applied arnica after for a few days to help with any bruising, and took dissolvable arnica balls daily for a week leading up to be proactive about bruising.

Is the filler permanent? What if i decide I don’t like it?

Filler is not permanent! How long the filler lasts depends on a few things, but with Juvederm Ultra Plus, it generally lasts anywhere from 6-12 months. If you decide that you don’t like it after your swelling has gone down, you can always get the filler dissolved.

Would you do it again?

100%! It truly accomplished exactly what I wanted from it - I feel so much more confident with this small change and I am so happy that I did it.