A Love Letter to February


Dear February - 

January was long. It was filled with the excitement of the new year, setting really strong intentions that are continuing to be edited over and over again, accepting things I began a journey to accepting in 2019, disappointments and mourning, panic and confusion, and also a really big slump that I’m still finding myself in.

I’m working on edits of my life -- early spring cleaning of physical things, emotional cleaning of dead weight that has been carried on my shoulders for far too long, and the shadow of doubt that I am working on flooding with new sunshine of the possibilities to come. I am feeling a shift in my life in the way that I look at things and the framework for which I have learned satisfaction up to this point. I am working on looking at things for their full value, not just their face value. I am working on my patience in lieu of longer-term investments of my time and energy. I am setting my intentions on being more decisive, on trusting in what I know, in taking the time and space that I need in order to be my best version of myself - for myself and for others. 

February will be big. Filled with the vibrations of love, opportunity, and the space upwards from where I am now. I trust that I will come out of this creative rut in the ways that I always have. I trust that I will be decisive with short-term actions that will work towards long-term goals. I will say no to things, people, places that do not serve me. I will say yes to those that do. February, pull me away from the things I consume that fog my vision; bring me toward the treasures that unlock inspiration. 

In January I cleansed my body; in February, I will work on the things I love - my home, my clothes, my relationships. I will rid my living space of the things that distract me from fearlessly working in the direction of my dreams, begin purging things that no longer serve me. I will spend time with myself first and foremost to understand what I want without putting the weight of my stress and anxiety on those I love. I will only commit to time with the people I care most about when I am feeling like the highest version with myself. I will invest in more calls with family members. I will begin working towards a collection of things - tchotchkes, clothes, decor - that will serve me for many years to come, and rid those that have only made a brief cameo of joy in my life. 

Dear February - this month is for continuing the cleanse of the new year. I am not yet skeptical of where the year is going as I am trusting in the opportunity of where I can go. I am acknowledging the things that will take longer to repair - those things that may, and very possibly will, take many more years if not a lifetime to come. I am tuning into the now, into the things I can begin working towards today. I will not set out unrealistic goals for myself to meet a superficial benchmark for success in my brain. I will be honest about my journey. 

This month is for love. I will continue feeding myself kindness and respect. I will make those around me aware of my appreciation for them. I will work fearlessly in the direction of spreading more love. 

Morgan Jones2 Comments